Scoutbook problems with adding completed items

Let’s start from the beginning. When moving one child from Lion den to Tiger den, I did it incorrectly I think and it removed the scout from the pack completely. Luckily I knew her member ID 137224478 and moved her back in. BUT now the den leader tries to add items the scout completed, she gets an error message that said “SCOUT NAME needs to be setup with advancement sync before you can approve any of her advancement. Any Key 3 member or Admin can setup advancement sync for this Scout from her account page.” I am a key3 member but afraid to screw it up any further.

Also den leader mentioned that over the weekend, the den names are listed in red and will let her add achievements but not approve them. I see her listed as den leader for both dens when I am in scoutbook in Tiger den and in Webelos 2 den.

Let me know if you need to email me for more info.
Thank you. Christine Smith

can you tell me what to do to fix these issues?

For the first issue, go to the scout’s current membership, if there is only one current membership, go into it, remove the position approved, click update, go back in, and re-add position approved, and click update.

For the second issue, go to your pack roster, click the tiger leader’s name, click their current Tiger den admin position, make sure position approved is checked, and click update.

ISSUE 1- I am seeing 2 memberships and unsure how a second one was entered. The one that shows it entered today says in notes “SB-1714 Christine Smith confirmed this transfer in”. How do we delete that??

ISSUE 2- Position Approved was checkboxed. She is also a Pack Admin.

@ChristineSmith2 just put an end date on one of the duplicate memberships

ISSUE1- The duplicate one already has an end date. Someone possibly at council level already did that and added a new membership for Tiger den and put the original start date of the one that they ended.

I just had the den leader go in and see if it’s still doing all the things I mentioned. Maybe the Scoutbook maintenance performed today fixed the issue? I have no idea. It seems to be working now.

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