For my monthly SM report, I pull a report of the scouts’ advancements using the Report Builder Manager.
I select “all scouts” on the left and “ranks” on the right.
Boxes are checked for all Scouts BSA ranks. (Scout thru Eagle)
When I run the report, I get the regular display with the scouts names across the top and the rank advancements running down the left side. All ranks are shown, through Eagle.
But I have 2 different things that I do with the reports. So after pulling a CSV from the standard report, I click pivot to be able to pull the same report but manipulate it differently for a separate tracking project.
When I do this, it drops all advancements off after First Class v2016 Req 9b. Study an environmental issue. All advancements records for all scouts disappear.
This error is translated into the CSV when I pull that.
What’s going on?