Not really the best forum for reporting these, I suspect, but just glancing through the revised 2021 Guide to Advancement Section 6 revealed a number of errors that likely need urgent correction: Second paragraph: Incorrect URLs are used for Scoutbook, and IA2.
There are three methods for reporting advancement to the National BSA database: (1) enter data directly into Scoutbook (; (2) upload data into Internet Advancement ( from third-party advancement software, or (3) enter the data manually into Internet Advancement ( Second through fourth paragraphs: Incorrect URLs used for Scoutbook and IA2:
Units may choose to use Internet Advancement ( to either upload advancement files from many third-party advancement software programs or enter
the information manually.
When a unit uses Scoutbook ( to record its advancement, awards, and other Scout-level information, the data is automatically saved in BSA’s offcial database.
Questions about entering or uploading data using either internet portal may be directed to appropriate council-level staff or
Not sure if anyone else has noticed errors that should be reported. I have already sent these to the Advancement Team email for correction.