Scoutbook support for merging duplicate IDs

Hi folks, following the advice in another post, I emailed info on one of our adult leaders because she has two IDs: one tied to her grandson, and one with all her training, etc.

Only to find out that address is no longer being monitored. I had also copied one of our contacts at Council - is the only solution really to post all her info HERE?

@ReginaCross If you have her BSA member ID number, you can post it, and we can take a look. (No names, please.)

@ReginaCross If this is for an adult leader with initials E.L., then I have merged her Scoutbook accounts.

However, she has 2 usernames at my.scouting. One has sign in with Apple turned on. The other is an e-mail address.

If she could let us know which one she would like to keep, we can retire the other. I believe your local council can also do this.

Good evening, I’m looking to have two Scoutbook accounts merged.

BSA # 14899222 - please merge these positions and trainings onto BSA # shown below

BSA # 7060417 - please make this account primary

Thank you for your assistance!

@SusanDuenas That is fixed - but you had the primary backwards

Thank you. The individual requested the #**417 to be primary since they have used that account for many years. Is that a possibility?

@SusanDuenas Every Council has their own set of numbers and you get a new one with each council you join - so no that is not possible

@SusanDuenas You can request to keep a particular Scoutbook userID. Scoutbook userIDs are different from BSA member ID numbers.

Like Donovan said, each council has its own set of BSA member numbers.

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