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I can log into my.scouting.org. I had a problem a month or so ago where I couldn’t really log into Scoutbook as it thought I was using two email addresses. That was fixed. My daughter was recently added and we were linked, but now I can’t log into Scoutbook at all as it tells me my email address doesn’t work.
Are you using your my.scouting.org ID to log in to Scoutbook? This ID is not an e-mail address.
Legacy Scoutbook is still needed for many functions. Since you are registered as a Troop leader, you will use legacy Scoutbook for most functions except the calendar and editing a profile.
@BartHumphries If your daughter is a Cub Scout, then you should be using Scoutbook Plus (advancements.scouting.org) for most things. Advancement tracking for Cub Scouts has been moved there.
@edavignon I don’t type in my usernames/passwords on websites. Chrome remembers them for me.
It is working now, but earlier when I tried logging in with my my.Scouting username and password, it told me my email didn’t exist anymore, and then when I tried with my email it told me I should log in with my.Scouting username and password. Neither one worked.
It is working now, but I know I’m not doing anything differently because I don’t type those things in, Chrome does. While the website is working now, something was wrong before.