Scoutbook vs internet advancement and

I was committe chair until Oct 24, the council registrar change my status and that of the new committee chair to our new appropriate poitions when we rechartered. I have no troop general access to anything on scoutbook or internet advancement and am listed as a committee member. However, I am still listed as committee chair on and have access to troop items . The new committee chair has no access to anything. Help?

Also, our asst scoutmasters have lost access to add persons to activities on internet advancement.

@LaraServenti - if you post the bsa id numbers of those involved the SUAC folks can take a look

@LaraServenti they did nothing to your registered position - talk to council

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@LaraServenti The official roster is at my.Scouting.

Your Chartered Org. Rep. (or COR Delegate) should also be able to make the changes at my.Scouting using the Position Manager. The Position Manager can be accessed via the Roster or the Organization Manager.

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