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I completed my Youth Protection Training on 3/16/2024. Today my local council suspended my ability to be a scoutmaster and merit badge counselor as of today. I sent my local council (Minsi Trails Council) screenshots of the completion and was advised that I have to take the course all over again even though I provided evidence of the completion. They said there is nothing they can do and will create a “ticket” with national
Has anyone else dealt with this and how did you rectify it? This happened once before and I took YPT 3 times and it never updated and the scoutmaster needed to call council.
Ive had to cancel a First Aid merit badge I was starting tonight over this.
@JamesBurns9 you took the Continuing Education ones - NOT the ones Clearly Marked MANDATORY - you took the correct in 2022. So just get on and run the Mandatory YPT
I took the one off of the main screen that says click her for youth protection training. why would they have different trainings marked youth protection
Now i am retaking it, you can see it is the MANDITORY- YOUTH PROTECTION showing that im now working on it again with a “Last Completion date of 3/16/2024”
Unfortunately the 100% complete is a bug in the training system. It is only looking that you took all of the required modules sometime in the past, not that you completed the within the last 60 days. What Donovan posted above is from your training record and you can clearly see the last recoded dates for SCO_3008, 9 and 10 is from 2022. Take these 3 modules now and your YPT will complete.
I agree the completion percentages are very misleading. What you took this time was the test (SCO_3011), but you then took 4 other optional YPT trainings, not the required ones. You still have 3 of the 4 to do to get your date to reset.