Scouter registered in Two Councils so Two Member IDs

We are on the borderline between two councils so not uncommon to have families in a pack in one and a troop in another. I have a registered Scouter who has YPT in Pack in one council (BSA ID 140319022) and needs to reflect in his registeration in Troop in another (BSA ID 12813412). Can these be linked so YPT is valid in both without adversely impacting records in either council?

Yes. There’s a discussion here of how to do so:

After linking the two BSA MIDs, and setting the “without training” MID as primary (I think), it takes 24-ish hours to “roll over” to the primary account. I think you have to be careful not to open Scoutbook/SB+ while the primary MIDs are “swapped”, since that can (I think) generate another Scoutbook account.

This part is a bit more challenging. None of the systems really handle scouts/scouters concurrently registered in multiple councils, at least not well. I’d defer to one of the SUAC folks to give a more detailed explanation of what does and doesn’t work, and what pitfalls there might be. I’m not sure there’s a way around having multiple Scoutbook accounts when actively registered in multiple councils, but I could be wrong.

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