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I recently joined a Pack as an adult leader and was previously a Scout (about 20 years ago) in a different Council. During registration, I was able to locate my previous account/MID, which was added to my profile.
When I go to Scoutbook and try to pull my personal records I receive an error that the information is unavailable, with the following error code:
The information is unavailable. Try again or report this to the forums (99.3). ref: PD-20240919143540-942019-296529
My current MID is: (removed by Moderator) and my old one is (removed by Moderator)
My previous Troop does not exist anymore so, I’m unable to reach out to anyone to see if those records were even uploaded to Scoutbook in the first place.
Scoutbook itself didn’t exist until quite recently, and even more recently was it purchased by the BSA. So, records from 20 years ago would definitely not be present in the detail that the current Scoutbook/SB+ database tracks things. In most cases, only things like Eagle Scout rank were retained in the national database for scouts prior to the current advancement system. For example, only my Eagle Scout rank was listed for me, and only under my then-current BSA member ID.
There is a Scoutbook account for your old MID but it does not contain any advancement data. I requested an advancement sync so tomorrow you should be able to run the report.
I remember my Scoutmaster inputting our advancement information into an old computer in our Scout Hut but, that’s back when stuff was on a 3.5" floppy - and that donated computer may have even had a 5" drive. It’s hard to say if any of that was ever uploaded somewhere else along the way.