Scouts disappear after recharter

After submitting recharter paperwork several scouts disappeared from scoutbook. This may or may not have had some relationship to an accounting/bill payment error at the council. After submitting a work ticket the following solution was provided:
You can find and move the Scout back into your Unit by clicking My Dashboard > My Account > My Connections > Select the Scout > Scout’s Membership > Add > Enter the Council, Unit Type, Unit Number, BSA Unit Description, Den/Patrol, and a Start Date > Update.

or under Membership find the old closed membership to your unit and erase the END date.


Were the Scouts listed on your recharter paperwork? The Scoutbook roster follows the official roster as shown in Member Manager at If your unit has Scouts that don’t recharter, they will be removed from the Scoutbook roster within 24 hours of the council processing the recharter.

There was some kind of error. I’m not sure what. It’s solved now, but I wanted to publish this so others can find the solution on the forum.