Scouts listed under one parent but not the other for renewal

Hello friends:

We have two Cub Scouts (Membership IDs 13691974 and 13444799) who are due for renewal and when their mother logs in to try to renew them, she doesn’t see them listed. I believe this is due to the fact that the primary parent on the account is for the Scouts father, who unfortunately passed away a few years back (he was a Den Leader at the time).

The mother’s Member ID is 13744898. The father’s Member ID is 13436284.

Some more technical details that might be useful:

When we try to look up the parents in by going to the Scouts in the roster and clicking on the parents, we get the following errors:
Error: Person not found for given person GUID - personGuid: 01E0ED83-AC3C-427A-A538-DAF9F57EA632
Error: Person not found for given person GUID - personGuid:F2A314A7-DF57-4D9B-9696-5F3BFAA05A31
In OG Scoutbook, when I click on one of the Scouts’ profiles and then go to the father, the URL is:
When I go to the mother, the URL is:

Thanks for your help and please let me know if you need any more information!

Greg Stevenson

@GregoryStevenson1 - your council registrar will need to link the mother to the scouts:

I recommend that you contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check the children’s "Relationship” and make sure that the children are connected to the parent with her BSA member ID number then wait 24 hours