We are currently active in two councils. I would like to have two separate logins, one for each council.
Depending on which is set to primary the scout book user and member id’s show up as the following
SB User Id - 12821590/913476
MBC Id - 12201767
INC Id - 14518864
I would like to keep the current user and log in information the same for MBC, and create the new scoutbook account/log in for INC.
@JenniferBaker7 Try creating the username using your nickname.
Are you using the same e-mail or a different e-mail?
Currently both scoutbook user id’s were merged via scoutbook forums. I currently access via the same email address, I would like to use a different email for INC.
@JenniferBaker7 For now, go ahead and create a new username for your INC member ID number. Use your nickname to find the match.
If you are using Gmail, there is a way to use the same e-mail, but use an alias to differentiate the two. So it might look something like this:
They would end up going to the same e-mail address, but Scoutbook would treat them each as unique.
I’ve started to create a new sb account for inland id, it would like to know how I’d like to sign in. I would prefer use the same Scouting America username, unless this will cause the two to merge again or issues.
Let me start again, i keep getting kicked out. Will use a different username, as they seem specific and only usable once
@JenniferBaker7 You already have 2 Scoutbook accounts (userIDs).
I recommend that you create a second username for your INC member ID number.
Yes, I already have to SB user id’s as stated above. They both are attached to the same email and credentials, I have no way to separate on my own.
I attempted to create a new scoutbook as instructed, however it keeps kicking me out at the choosing password part.
I will clear my cache and attempt to create a second username in my.scouting profile.
It appears the INC is not attached to the MBC log in anymore, however I’m now not able to access my INC information at all.
When attempting to retrieve my username I receive this message “No accounts were found matching the information provided. Please contact your local council to report it.”
In addition, when attempting to recover the username with the alias email created as suggested, emails are not allowed to have and additional characters such as + . They are not allowed by the page to be input.