Ship/Troop Leadership

I apologize if I have put this in the wrong place.

I have a Life Scout that is trying to apply Ship leadership to his Troop leadership requirement in order to complete Eagle. I have access to both his Troop and Ship in Scoutbook, but I am only responsible for the Troop Scoutbook data entry. I see no way to give credit in the Troop Leadership for Ship Leadership although I understand you can apply experience this way.

Any thoughts on this are appreciated.

what position is he trying to apply? it is just a matter of verifing it and marking off #4.

It should be listed under the scout leadership section if it was entered. But verify and complete is it.

Thank you Donovan. It’s Boatswain. I was initially thinking that I had to have the leadership position entered into the Troop side leadership area. Is it ok if I don’t?


there is no way you can have it there and there is no difference troop vs ship side for leadership - it is all the same - the one hic-up could be if it is not in SB then the Eagle App will not be totally filled out with SB and they will need to manually enter it

Got it. That’s exactly what I was thinking the issue would be. Appreciate your help!


@StaceyBrewer - in looking at the leadership for my son both his troop and crew positions are listed.

now the ship could add it (or the Scout or parent) but ship would have to approve it for it to get to Eagle App

I’ll let them know.


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