Unable to add merit badge in internet advancement

Unable to add merit badges in internet advancement.
After entering merit badge date, name and approve, save does not light up.
Tried 2 different scouts, no difference.
This just happened this week (9/13/24

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We recommend using Legacy Scoutbook for Scouts BSA advancement.

How do you get to the Legacy Scoutbook?



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I’m having the same problem this morning, and I am using Legacy.

Hi All -
I am unfortunately having the same issue, the button to add the merit badge is grayed out.

I can’t add in any merit badges…

What’s the solve here?

@SethPullen - please use classic scoutbook for this

Ok, I will try that. Thank you.

@SethPullen - you will want the dashboard

I’m having the same problem. (9/15/24 10:52am CST)

@RebeccaDesRochers - ok… use scoutbook instead going to my dashboard then the unit

@RebeccaDesRochers @JohnKassimatis @SarahWilliamson

Can you provide the process you are using to add the MB in Scoubook Plus along with the Scout’s BSA Member ID (no names) and the MB you are trying to update?

I bring up roster. Click on box next to scout name. (Tried multiple scouts) pick record progress.
Pick record advancement.
Put in date.(7/26/2024)
Pick merit badge for type of advancement
Small boat sailing for advancement item.
Click approve.
Record and finish doesnt light up or does save and record another.
Note: whatever happened happened after updates this last week.
Worked last week

Perhaps the advancement report removal may have triggered this

4 posts were split to a new topic: Where did Internet Advancement Go