Spurious Rank Approval

One of our brand new Scouts has not earned Scout or Tenderfoot, yet Scoutbook says he has earned Second Class. This rank is listed as approved by his father, who as far as I can tell does not have approval privileges in Scoutbook. Earlier, when I noticed this problem, I just disapproved the rank. Now the problem is back.

I would appreciate your advice.

Elizabeth Link
Troop 86

We would need the Scout’s BSA member number to investigate.

Dear Jennifer,

Thank you.



Dear Jennifer,

I wonder if you have had a chance to look into this issue?


We looked at it - and you are right does not make sense - you can unapprove and clear the date if needed - then go in and record Scout and TF

Dear Donavan,

I have deleted the date. I’m hoping it does not show up again.

Thanks for your help.


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