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He (scout) signed into scoutbook and into scouting to test how he could change his email address.
We are only testing and do not really wish to make changes to our profiles. We just want to provide parents in our troop the answer how to as we have a few with this issue.
The email that appears at the bottom (Home email) under his account is my email address.
I am afraid that if I click EDIT in the “Home Email” area, I would then disable my being copied (as a parent) in any message he receives.
That is not how the system works. You are only copied in emails if you have a parent connection in Scoutbook - I know of no such thing in the MYST (my.scouting) system. HOME simply means main, it is very old language the BSA uses for that.
Essentially, @GigiKarschies, if someone were to try to contact your scout by email, based on the information available in my.scouting (which is likely where things like national campaigns draw from), then they would only end up emailing your email address, and wouldn’t reach him at all (since his email is not on his account in my.scouting). Only you would get that email. However, as the BSA is trying to align the various databases more closely, the profile data management is being migrated away from database interfaces like Scoutbook and into the interface at my.scouting (or IA2), which then pushes out to the other systems. However, emails sent through Scoutbook should send to whatever email address is on file for you in your profile whenever your scout is emailed, regardless of which email address is on file for your scout in their profile.
There are 2 e-mail types: home or business.
The primary one (whichever it is) should be set as “primary”.
I don’t know what they do with the other (secondary) e-mail addresses, but I think they are mostly ignored.
want to have their son change their (scout) email address
to have their son log into Scoutbook, click on Edit Profile (which will redirect them to my.scouting), then click on My Profile (top right drop down) and finally scroll to the bottom. Under Contact section, select Edit in the Home box.
They will then be able to Edit the email address there.
@GigiKarschies if the log into Scoutbook as the Scout > Click Edit Profile > they go to the Profile section of Internet Advancement (not my.scouting.org) > they can change the email there.
I really would like to help these parents. Not having their scouts with their own email address in Scoutbook has a knock-on effect like not being able to add their Swimming classification in Scoutbook.
Should a scout ADD an email address under CONTACT INFORMATION even if the email that appears as “primary” is their parent’s and not their current email (which is the one they wish to change)?
Are there updated instructions for parents to invite their scout? I was able to find the old procedure for handling it inside of scoutbook. Now it takes the user the internet “advancement” to add. I am looking for something I can send out parents to get their scouts invited to scoutbook.