This issue is still not resolved.

The mother is still seen in the cub scouts, but when I try to search for her to add her to her son’s account in the troop, no matter how I search for her… she cannot be found. What is going on?

Please refer to this:


Parent search is currently broken. There are 2 workarounds.

  1. Have the council registrar add the parent/Scout relationship via the relationship tab in Registrar Tools. About 24 hours later, the connection will be made in Scoutbook.
  2. The parent can connect to her own child by logging in to Scoutbook, going to My Account → My Connections and clicking the Connect to my Scout as Prent/Guardian link near the top of the page.

She can’t find her son on scoutbook… That is the problem.

Post the Scout’s BSA Member ID (no names) and we will research.

@TroyLove This issue has been escalated to the developers.

@TroyLove Could you ask the parent to check again?

Today she appears to be connected to both children in Scoutbook with Full Control permissions.

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