I have a cub crossover adult, who was registered a while ago in cubs but his membership lapsed. He just applied for membership in the troop via beascout.org and we want to approve him but the application is locked because it says his YPT is expired. He completed YPT two days ago and the four modules say complete on training.scouting.org, and expired on my.scouting.org.
Since it says he is expired and won’t let us admit him to the unit. Unit commissioner cannot see him in the system to manually add the training either. (He is sup[posed to be going to camp today - so this is time critical).
BSA ID is 135652758. Name: Eric Hines
My.scouting certificate says his YPT was taken on 7/24/2019 and expired on 7/24/2021
Training.scouting.org says last completion was 7/8/2023 (he has taken it twice this week in hopes it would update). More than 24 hours have lapsed since training and it didn’t sync.
His my.scouting profile also says YPT expired - and ‘click here for training’ - and that link takes him to the training.scouting.org page that shows training Y01 is completed. I am at a loss.
I wondered if he might have two IDs - but there is no way to view his ID under training.scouting.org - and he is using the same email the whole time - so I don’t think that’s it - but can’t verify.
Anyway - he cant go to camp until this is fixed… help!

@RonaldBlaisdell this is the second one like this this week - is there now a timeframe or something all items need to be completed or something?
@RonaldBlaisdell @TimothyRogers
Why was a certificate issued 7/8/23 and the screen saying Complete if Y01 is not showing complete with a 7/8/23 date in the DB?
@edavignon that is just a report date
Actually, it looks like the system is confused. Certificate says complete, but the completion date listed in the bottom right corner is 7/24/2019. Either the cert isn’t picking up the recent completion that’s showing in the report you posted, @DonovanMcNeil, or the report is erroneously showing a completion that didn’t happen. Either way, it seems like some sort of bug.
No the system is not generating Y01 for some reason

I am not aware of any timeframe in the system, but I will say, this is a strange scenario to take the modules in April, but wait until the last minute in July to take the test!
@RonaldBlaisdell I posted a similar one 2-3 days ago = where Y01 was not generated - I tried to reproduce it by trying to force a restart but system would not let me
The screen shot still says 100% complete with a 2023 date. There is a bug somewhere in the system that needs to be investigated.
All four modules must be redone within 60 days of each other to recalculate Y01
| Ed D’Avignon edavignon Scoutbook User Advisory Council
July 9 |
@RonaldBlaisdell @TimothyRogers
Why was a certificate issued 7/8/23 and the screen saying Complete if Y01 is not showing complete with a 7/8/23 date in the DB?
The certificate shows 7/24/2019 as the completion date.
But why is the training dashborad saying 100% complete with a date of 7/8/23 if all modules need to be taken within 60 days and all except the test was more than 60 days ago?
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@TimothyRogers that should REALLY be documented somewhere - does it Force a restart after 60 days?
Was the old membership number used when registering via beascout.org? If not, he was probably issued a new member number that is not yet associated with his scouting.org login.
EDIT: So three of you have put the pieces out there.
- The completion of the Learning Plan does not equal Y01
- Completion of all modules must be done within 60 days to award Y01- I agree with @DonovanMcNeil that this should be documented in the learning plan.
- The certificate is the last completion in 2019, potentially with a different member number than the current registration.
I have attempted to take only the certification test to renew YPT in the past. This would explain why Y01 did not refresh with a new date and I had to take the other modules for it to do so.
The other issue I have seen is that the modules on the Training site do not really expire (except when they’ve updated them).
I think this leads to a lot of confusion, since you need to retake all of the modules, but while you’re doing so, they all say they’re all already completed. It would be nice if there was a way to clear them all out when retaking YPT, or to have them auto expire (e.g. 90 days before renewal).
The modules over 60 days old were retaken and the system unlocked the Y01 certificate. Looks like that may have been the issue. I can’t speak as to why the adult user didn’t finish the whole unit in one day, but it’s working now. I do feel that if there is an undocumented 60 day limit, that the system should clear the module completion flags as soon as the training modules are out of date.
Was all under the same BSA ID number. The 60 day windows was the issue.
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YPT training modules must be completed within 60 days of each other for my.scouting to recalculate Y01 - in this case the 4/23 and 7/08 dates are out of that window. This is a function of my.scouting and not the LMS. The LMS data is swept by my.scouting and triggers recalculation based on those parameters - the LMS simply records module completions.