Training reports and how to find courses

Scoutbook is primarily an advancement tracking tool. On the my.Scouting Tools website, which is where I suspect you found yourself, there are two sets of training management tools, those for individuals and those for groups (e.g. unit, district, council, etc.)

Individual Training Reports

Online tools are on the my.Scouting Tools website. "Menu > My Dashboard (My Training). If your BSA position is registered in the BSA membership database, basic position specific online training will show under “Requirements”. Training is online or in person, or online and in person

SCO Training Modules IDs

These are used by the BSA Learn Center for online training. Most, but not all, current SCO training modules for basic position-specific training are listed in the position-specific training requirements document available at the Training for Adults web page under .“Position-Specific (Role-Based) Courses > Basic Leader Requirements > More Information”. .

Unit Trained Leader Report

This spreadsheet report available to unit key-3 leaders and unit training chair has different columns for looking at online and in-person training status for all registered adult leaders.