Transfer In Cub Scouts on from out of Council 2

Continuing the discussion from Transfer In Cub Scouts on from out of Council:

So, Council was able to transfer the scouts over, which apparently entailed them duplicating the scouts and merging them on the back end, but in doing so, one of the scouts was duplicated in our Scoutbook Roster and also shows me (the Cub Master) as one of the parents, which I am not. Both transferred scouts show in our Roster on my.scouting (only once).

Original BSA #137546208 - From Monmouth Council NJ, Pack 31

Same SB User ID: 12255578

New BSA Member ID:14389825 - NCAC, Pack 717

Also duplicate scout under the same name, with no BSA #, but a different SB User ID:12541415

Please remove me as a parent and merge the duplicated scout record and remove the NJ Pack from my Scoutbook Dashboard.

You should be able to end your own parent/guardian connection (unless the developers changed something behind the curtain). Go to My Connections, make sure your Leader connection is checked, then uncheck the parent connection. I suspect it won’t work if you go via the roster to the scout’s connections page.

Thank you, this removed me as a parent (9/23/22), but only on My Connections, I still show under the scout and the scout still shows in My Dashboard under My Family and all the other issues still remain. I have cleared Old Connections Friday and today.

The errant connection has been removed.

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