We had a scout just disappear from our unit in scoutbook before we knew he was transferring to another unit. This was a first year scout that the family was moving a few towns away and the scout was already was attending a private school out of our town. The scout committed initially to our troop but this month as school started up the scout made a decision to be involved in a troop in another town that his classmates. The family hadn’t notified us yet but the transfer took place and the other unit or the parent must of severed all the old connections so he just disappeared from our troop roster in scoutbook completely. Shouldn’t there by a notification that a scout was transferred out if we are to fully use scoutbook as our place of record and roster.
Also part of the frustration we have other inactive scouts that won’t go away from our scoutbook roster because of the syncing until we recharter.
The BSA does not remove Scouts from a roster until they:
- Transfer to another unit
- The unit recharters without them on the roster
- The Scout ages out and registers as an adult leader
You can remove these Scouts from your roster by first going to connection manager and removing all connections to the Scout except for admins and parents. If you use the volunteer written and supported Feature Assistant Extension for Scoutbook for Chrome and Feature Assistant Extension for Scoutbook for Firefox you can click on the Scout’s name and remove all connections at one time.
After removing connections, go to the Scout’s membership page, add an end date and click update.
Your Scoutbook roster reflects the official roster in Akela. When the registrar transfers a Scout, the move will be reflected in Scoutbook within 48 hours. This is no different than what happened with legacy Internet Advancement.
Ed, I understand that but in this case the family transferred him to another unit so he just disappeared from our unit’s scoutbook. The family didn’t notify us before he was actually physically transferred. Happened in the last few days. I am not worried about the transfer it is that a scout can just be removed without notification if Scoutbook is where we track everything. In the past if we used another tool to track advancement camping etc. they wouldn’t just disappear.
The BSA’s policy is that once a Scout is no longer in a unit, that Scout is removed from the Scoutbook roster. If you need access to the Scout’s records, a Key 3 member can use the History Report on the unit page and search by BSA Member ID.
As far as I know, there are no systems in the BSA that notify a unit that a Scout has transferred out. I suspect the BSA will tell you this is an issue between you, and your Council, not with the BSA’s systems.
I understand the policy it is more of a notification. I have spoken to our DE and he will talk to council to perhaps provide notification to the unit that the scout is leaving as notification for an in council switch when it happens. In this case the parents didn’t notify us that this was happening. It isn’t a contentious transfer was concerned a new scout missed 3 of the 4 meetings this September.
This would be more of a registrar issue and not a Scoutbook issue. Did anyone call the Scout? It happens. It’s rare, but it happens. It’s bad manners, but I would be happy that the scout continued scouting and didn’t drop out.
That’s a plain, old communication issue between the unit and the parents.
It does not address the issue of a notification, but the scout should still be in your connections. I recently transferred a scout into my pack, and the old leader is still connected. There is also a note in the past membership tab for the scout that identifies the transfer and who confirmed it (my name). You should be able to see all that in your connections unless the new unit deleted the link, which is possible.
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