We had a scout with us for 1 1/2 years then they choose to transfer to a new troop in the area (schedules worked better). Then after a year of that troop they decided to come back (SM focused on own kids’ wants not troop’s wants). I can see all that the scout did under us (hiking/service hours/camping nights, etc.) the first 1.5 years and then nothing while with the other troop. I see from another post this has been an issue before so the scout’s membership number is 136151715. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks everyone!!
I do not see any break in this Scout’s awards. Everything is recorded in Scoutbook. Since Scoutbook and Internet Advancement use the same database, I don’t know why you would not see advancement during the time the Scout was in the other troop.
I see advancement but not service hours, hiking, camping in internet advancement. For example, for camping it has the 15 nights they did with us from 2-1-19 to 6-20-20. Nothing after. If nothing else I know they went to summer camp both later in the summer of 2020 and summer 2021, plus several nights with OA. I can’t imagine the other troop didn’t enter anything into Scoutbook but I suppose its possible.
That’s all I show as well. I’ll reach out to the other SM to see if they tracked it somewhere else. The scout’s handbook was ruined and they are trying to piece it all back together for camping MB. Thanks for the assist!!!
@MeLindaPotter - if they tracked outside of scoutbook/IA there is really not much that can be found. The third party apps or the lack of anything creates a black hole.
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