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None of our leaders in a pair of linked troops can edit/modify/delete a calendar Event that was created prior to the latest updates. We were advised to make sure we are all troop admins in both troops.
We have done this adjustment several times…and it works! But then, the overnight sync kicks us out again.
Help! @jacobfetzer@edavignon.
@LesleyMorrey it is like the charter on the G Troop is expiring every day - you probably need council to send in a Membercare Ticket to National to investigate it
@GaryFeutz if its been reported, what is the fix? As noted, this is really an issue for our troops since we’ve created a calendar through June 2024 and literally every entry has both troops listed.
The BSA doesn’t release a schedule or priority list for fixes. Users only know that something has been fixed when it gets announced in the change logs.
Unfortunately, whatever update they pushed Weds night did not resolve our issue. Our permissions on the linked G troop were reset back to key 3 only as troop admins.
Our council put in a case to membercare who said a fix would be put in Weds…specifically…
"Bill Nelson commented:
This is a known issue. Please wait until Thursday and the ending of the Admin roles should not occur overnight anymore. You may have to establish them once again on Thursday."