How can I get my Troop membership from 'pending" after renewing my primary membership as district at large in June 204? My Troop Key 3 only see my troop memebership ghosted out.
My District at Large, Council Advancement Chair and Merit Badge Counselor Positions are showing as “Renewed” as of June 2024.
Thanks, Greg
Your Charter Org Rep needs to log in to On the upper left, click the 3 lines. Select your unit then select Roster. Scroll down and select Membership Renewal Orders then find your renewal and click Approve.
If there is not a membership to approve, you probably need to submit a new application.
My COR reported on 8/4 -
“I did find my way into scoutbook but have no leadership positions that need approval.
Let me know if you need me to do anything”
Does this mean I need to complete a new application?
The COR needs to go to my.scouting, not scoutbook. It sounds like you may need to sit with them and make sure they are going to the right place.
I forward your reply to my COR. Thanks,
I am left wondering why my dual troop membership did not automatically renew like my other memberships?
Each COR has to approve renewals in their unit.