Troop Parent not seeing Troop Category in New Forums

Hi all, I have a parent who can not see our Troop category in the new forums. I have some experience with discourse so I assume she is not in the discourse group but I have no way to check or do anything about it. Is there a way for me to resolve this on my own?

nope - send email to with the info and issue

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You could also try going to the scout’s connections, click the parent name, and then click update. That may reset things. If not, email as @DonovanMcNeil said.

Emailed and they already replied. They said they reset the parent’s connection to the scout by removing and readding them. This should resolve the problem. They noted that the parent may have to clear browser cookies and cache if it doesn’t work right away.

I may have been able to take care of this myself by doing the same but I’ll leave this note here incase anyone else runs into this or it happens again.


To close the loop, there is not currently a way for a unit-level admin to remove a parent account from a youth account. This is what the Unit Admin-level interface looks like for a parent-to-scout connection:

All of the connection components are not removable. You also don’t have access to the parent account to delete it.

Oh you are right. I was thinking of leaders. In any case, the fix didn’t work.

Reply to the email that said it was fixed. Tell them the parent still can’t see the troop forum, and ask them to escalate it. Provide the ticket number (starts with SD) here.

Just keeping people in the loop:

I got a reply last week that this is a know issue they are working to resolve and hope to have it fixed by June.