Troop Recognition Report - Where are the Mrit Badges

I saw a December 2023 post about the Troop Recognition Report where it was noted that merit badges no longer appeared on the report. I would have put this on that thread but the thread has been closed.

When I run a Troop Recognition Report from either Scoutbook or IA, only rank advancements appear. I no longer can see merit badges or awards, although the marker for Eagle Required merit badges still shows at the bottom of the report.

Is this a glitch or will we have to run a different report to get merit badges and awards?

Chuck Olson
Advancement Chair
Troop 463
Sandy Springs, GA

@CharlesOlson they show fine for me - send a screenshot of your setup

Here is what I get. If I click on Include Not Awarded Regardless of Date Range, I get every rank advancement for every Scout since they joined the Troop, including those that are marked awarded, but I don’t get any merit badges.


do by name see if it is different

and might need a screenshare cause that is not at all what I am seeing

First question is do you have a MB in those 4 months?

Have to retrieve grandson and then dinner. Will be away from computer for 30 minutes. Available later or tomorrow for screen share


Ran it by name as you suggested. This is what I get:

The only time I can get merit badges to appear is when I click 'Include Non-Awarded Regardless of Date Range" but then it goes back and pulls in Scouts who have aged out but are registered as adults (i.e. William Abrams). This is a partial screenshot:

@CharlesOlson - I have not been able to reproduce this either. Perhaps and audit log report may point to something.

Is that something I can run or is that at your level?


@CharlesOlson - in the troop page > troop reports > audit log report

I’m there - what am I looking for? Its showing 2012 of 4928 records.

@CharlesOlson - I would run the report based on the dates for your recognition report and select only the advancement data. You would then look at the results for merit badges

When I ran the audit report with the same dates, it cuts off at 11/23/23 but shows merit badges as approved up to 11/23/23. I re-ran the report but changed the start date to 11/01/2023 and got 403 more records that were not in the original run.

Could the size of the date range be causing the issue?


@CharlesOlson - it looks like the MB listed in the above are awaiting approval on the unit side.

yeah completed items do not show on recognition report - only approved

That Awarded within Date range seems to be messing it up in your unit (not mine so is real strange) - try unchecking that @CharlesOlson

The selection picked up a Sout who I know has items that were signed off by a parent but not the merit badge counselor and so have not been approved but I wanted to make sure you could see the selection section.

I further down the report there are completed and approved merit badges that do not show on the recognition report (see below).


Good suggestion - that seems to have cleared the issue. I reran the report sorted first by name (see below) and then by Award Name and the merit badges appear.

Thank you both for the help.

the problem is it is just your unit doing that - developers are looking at it