TroopMaster Web 2.0 - Accounting/bookkeeping

Our Troop uses TroopMaster to track our scout advancement. I am the new treasurer and see that it can also be used to track scout accounts and keep a ledger. After combing through the TroopMaster Web2.0 FAQs I am not certain how to set up a scout account and track member details. Has anyone been able to successfully set up the ledger in TroopMaster Web 2.0? If so, can you recommend any resources to get started? Thank you in advance.

Well this is a forum for BSA Technology products. TroopMaster is not a BSA Product, you would need to find their forums.

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I was unable to locate their forum and made an attempt since I have been struggling. I will remove this from the forum. Thank you for your note.

@MarisaHightower - you may want to check here: Troopmaster - The Flagship of Scouting Software