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I’m trying to add a leader. Her BSA ID is 13938951. When I search under her BSA ID, it comes back with “No record found that satisfies the search criteria.” I try my own and get the same results.
I’m a Pack Admin. My BSA Member ID is 12681786.
I’ve read the other threads in this regard, but it didn’t seem to apply.
The adult with BSA Member ID (MID) 13938951 is not a registered leader. She is registered as a Tiger Adult Partner but because of lack of Criminal Background Check, this is not considered a registered leader. I see she has current Youth Protection Training. She will need to complete an adult application and sign the criminal background check authorization in order to become registered. After that she will be added to your Scoutbook roster.
Or if your unit and council allows online adult applications, they’d log into beascout.org with the same username they used to take YPT and find your unit to apply.
@JoshPopp - if you are already listed on the roster you can not re-add yourself. All you would do is add a position to your roles and positions. Click on your name in the roster then look for roles and positions. Click on that and then click on add. I think I have that correct…