Trouble with Adult/Den Leader Scoutbook account

Good morning,
I am looking for assistance for my scout book account.

My credentials are SB User ID:10300264
BSA Member ID: 13418349

I was just made a Den Leader and saw briefly that I had those permissions but now it looks like Scoutbook thinks I am a scout. I lost access to my 3 children’s profiles and cannot add them.
It also says my email is used by another account but I believe it is just the email listed on my children’s’ registration but they do not have independent scout book accounts.
Thank you for your help.

First you need to talk to Council cause they have you registered as a UP (you can say that they will understand - it means an above age scout). there is another MID with a different DOB by 2 days - 137200107 - last year it was registered as a Den Leader

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