Trouble with within-council transfer


I had a scout submit a transfer application, which I approved in

When I try to add him to the unit in Scoutbook, it cannot find his BSA ID (14422794). This is the number that was used on his transfer application.

Can someone verify if that BSA ID is valid?

Thank you,

@ChristopherRatto The Scout did transfer to your pack, but then his registration expired / lapsed on December 31st.

Great, thank you. Will reach out to the parent to let them know they need to re-register including paying this year’s dues. Appreciate the quick reply.

@ChristopherRatto Did the Scout Recharter with your pack? I would check that, first.

Probably not, the scout transferred a few weeks ago, right before the holidays. They might have just missed it.

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This BSA Member ID (MID) is not currently registered. His last registration which was in Pack 257 in NCAC expired 12/31/23. I suspect he was not on your recharter when it was processed so his membership was not renewed. You will need to contact your Council for assistance.

@ChristopherRatto Just to clarify:

Please check your pack’s Recharter paperwork to see if the Scout is on it and if the pack paid for the Scout to Recharter. Just in case.

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