Trying to update future calendar series error

I agree that we need to keep it simple for parents. It became more complex on the backend as different BSA systems have integrated. Historically, Scoutbook didn’t care if one person had multiple member numbers. Now it causes issues. So, going back to the way Scoutbook worked in the past probably isn’t an option. We have to move forward, but again, it needs to be easy.

@Chris.Peterson - i am thinking the only way to get past the user id error is to get those folks situated with a bsa id as the scoutbook plus is more aligned with that. Beyond that when i select the select all options it expand and i choose the leaders and it only populates the leaders and not parents.

I’ve asked them all to accept the invite, but not sure if that’ll resolve the issue or not. The leader who set up a new account when he registered now can’t login after the other account was deleted.

I’ve deleted and recreated this event a couple of times and it keeps adding all adults and not just leaders as I’ve selected. It is a reoccurring event if that makes a difference. I don’t know.

I just tried deleting and creating the event again, but not as a reoccurring event and I’m getting that error when I attempt to save it. It did create the event but with no invitees.

I edited it and was able to add just my leaders. So this may be a problem with reoccurring events? Clearly we need to resolve the lack of BSA Ids for these parents too.

@Chris.Peterson - this is what I am using with the select all options:

And even if I use the select all which will include the parents the even it editable and without the use id error. I can not reproduce the error you have. And additionally, if i use the select all options for the scouts and leaders it only add the scout and leaders not everyone.

What is this leader’s BSA member ID number?

(No names, please)

@Chris.Peterson this info would help the developers to investigate.

Yes that is how I did it. But because some of the parents apparently don’t have BSA numbers assigned in Scoutbook Plus, I get that error when I attempt to create an event. This last time I chose not to create a reoccurring event and though I got the error I was able to go back and add the leaders only. I’d be happy to do a screen share with someone to walk through the steps and review the error.

@JenniferOlinger 141307940


@Chris.Peterson This user’s account is set up correctly. Please ask him to try logging in at my.Scouting.

His registration as an adult leader is not active, which might mean that the criminal background check has not been completed.

@Chris.Peterson The issue has been reported to the developers. I do not know when it will be fixed.

I’ve got him logged in now. He’s still learning how things work. Thanks for the help. HIs application was approved a couple of days ago.

Thanks, in the meantime, any suggestions on getting these adults a proper BSA ID in Scoutbook? I think if they accept the invite I sent out it would resolve the issue. I originally had 7 w/o IDs but that number is now down to 5. I’ll keep working with them to get them added correctly.

@Chris.Peterson The developers have identified the root cause, and it is not related to a lack of member IDs. I’m not sure when it will be fixed.

@jacobfetzer - that is good to hear. The api error does lead on to missing bsa id

Im not sure of the details. Could just be that the api thinks the MID is missing. I confirmed that all of the above scoutbook userIDs have an MID on them.

Saw there was an update regarding calendar fix, but guessing it wasn’t for this issue as it persists.

I have let the developers know that your issue persists.

@Chris.Peterson What are you trying to change in the event? The developers were unable to reproduce the issue.

I went back today to edit the committee meeting event and it threw an error on saving and deleted all instances of the events. I recreated it and now it is letting me select just the leaders we want and it saved correctly. I haven’t tried editing any other reoccurring events at this point. Perhaps the issue is actually resolved after the old event series was deleted.