Turn off the automatic "Expire/ Lapse" - Council offices are closed and we are loosing scouts!

I don’t know if this is a “bug” but can you please turn off or pause , or extend the applications issue in scoutbook? In February before we went into lock down we had almost ten webelos cross over to our troop! YAY! But we all soon went into lock-down and we haven’t been able to sort out all the paperwork for these scouts since the council offices are closed and are just getting going again. We are now getting into the 90 day window for applications and scoutbook is just cutting them from units membership with the “DateEnded by SP ExpireInvalidYouthUPsCreatedinSB after 90 Day Lapse”. PLEASE TURN THIS OFF this is an extraordinary time and we are all at the limits of what we can do and having this remove a scout, then once I add them back in remove them again? This kind of stuff makes leaders not want to do this!

FIX IT, turn it off or whatever.

Please for all you commentators that will say get a paper application in? Or have them mail it? Really… I understand!!! Applications were turned into our council DE, some are here in my possession, some are not turned in to our unit! Can we please stop this! Just make it so we cant do internet advancement or something like that? We cant have them do electronic applications?

Contact your council and see if you can submit youth transfer applications via e-mail after scanning them.

In the meantime, go to the Scout’s Membership page, click on their Current Membership with the troop, and change the Date Started to today. This will give you extra time to get the application issue sorted out.

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