I have two member ID numbers because council registered me with a misspelling. Now I cannot merge the two numbers - one number has all of my trainings and the other number my volunteer abilities. How can I merge the two?
Council can merge for you - or you can post here and SUAC can look at it @nichelemccague
As Donovan mentioned, if you post your two BSA ID#s, someone with the SUAC will investigate. They can either fix the issue or tell you the next step to get it done.
two numbers - 140227012 & 13339178
thank you everyone for the help.
council hardly picks up the phone.
OK I cleaned it up SOME - But the real issue is your Troop has you registered twice. you need to only use the 140227012 number. So you are paying for 2 registrations - or someone is
Thank you very much!
Hello. I have 2 related issues that I need help with. I have two login profiles: (removed by Moderator) & (removed by Moderator). Could you please combine them under that first login name?
I also am registered for the Jamboree under my BSA# from my last council. That registration is now hidden from me on events.scouting.org because I changed my primary BSA# on both accounts. Is it possible to transfer that registration from BSA#133757308 to #13934065? Thank you!
@EdwardHurd that is fixed - we do nothing with events - you can switch primary MID and log into events or try writing to the jamboree for help
Awesome. I’ll try the Jambo team again, now that the account issue is resolved. Thank you!
We have a member that has a different BSA ID # on our charter than is being used for Scoutbook. Can we merge her two BSA ID#'s?
LM charter has 13884582 and Scoutbook has 137442811
Her ScoutBook User ID for 137442811: 12061723
Thank you,
Chris Lubenetski
Moderator: Please do not post member names. All we need is a BSA Member ID.
She only had 1 Scoutbook account so I switched the MID.
She does have 2 my.scouting.org IDs, one using her e-mail address and the other using Google Login. Please find out which one she would like to use going forward and we will retire the other.
The e-mail address, but will all training, etc. be merged as well??
Training is attached to her MID, not my.scouting.org ID so there will not be any issue here.
Yes, the email, she will just have to reset her password, as she forgot it.
OK, this is all ready for her with the exception of me deleting the Google Login. Due to a bug in one of the tools the SUAC uses, I need to leave that account active until the tool developer can look into it. I will have the Google Login ID removed after further investigation.
Similar problem: One member has two membership numbers that need to be combined:
@Shoreranger I think council needs to look at this one - as the user was registered at the same time in same council with 2 MIDs
@Shoreranger I believe I was able to fix this.
However, I recommend that your local council use their Registrar Tools to look up his children. In his children’s “Relationships” section (in Registrar Tools), he should be listed as parent only under BSA member ID (MID) number 137362509. They should remove him if he is listed as parent under any other BSA MIDs. Otherwise, his MIDs might get switched at the next Recharter.
Thank you!
Does this mean that 137362509 is the current number? He has training under the other number that needs to transfer too.