Two Parent Profiles

Hello! I have a parent who has had a child in our Pack for a couple years and has been using member ID #13991936. Her youngest just joined and she was apparently assigned another member ID - #13843595. Is there a way to merge these two accounts so she’s just using the initial/primary ID of #13991936? I imagine a couple other parents are likely having the same issue so is there a way I can fix this myself or does it require assistance from our Council/BSA/SB? Thank you!

@KatelynSmith1 She has 2 usernames at my.scouting:

One is firstnamelastname
The other is her e-mail address.

Which one would she like to keep?

She would like to keep the email address, please!

@KatelynSmith1 She should log in with her e-mail address as her username from now on. The other username has been retired.

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