Unable to Accept New Unit Commissioner Application

We have an application National Capital Area Council - APPLICATION ID 200501268 for someone who wants to be a unit commissioner.

Our District Commissioner was notified to accept the application, but when he goes into Application Manger the only options that he has are to reassign, return application, and do not accept. We do not see the Accept option

The Applications in Progress Report lists the position associated with this application as Tiger Cub Adult which of course is not a District Position. However, I thought that we assigned the position in the acceptance procedure.

During recharter, we were having problems with the system accepting applications for registered positions for people already on the roster as adult partners. I thought that this issue was fixed, but am wondering whether this is our problem.

I did not know Council Level apps were possible

Sorry - it is a district level - 37 White Oak District in NCAC

Even that I have never heard of - you council can turn in a MC Ticket

District Committee, Commissioners and Merit Badge Counselors are all registered at the District level here. I’ll work it through council - was just hoping that others had insights.

@MaryAbe If you want to post the BSA member number, we can check to make sure that the number belongs to your council.

BSA ID is 134852779

Applicant ID is 200502620
Application ID is 200501268

This BSA member number is associated with expired registrations as a Cubmaster and Tiger Adult Partner.

Did the adult pay the adult leader registration fee as part of the application process?

Otherwise, I don’t see anything obviously wrong. I think you will need to ask your Registrar to take a look and possibly submit a help ticket.

That sounds right - the adult did pay the pro-rated fee when he applied.

Online Registration System

Approval of district level staff positions


It looks like the application has to be sent up to the council level for the Scout executive’s approval per the district and council 2020 online registration checklists.

District Key 3, District membership committee chair: Reassigns an application to the council for actions to be taken at that level

Scout executive, Registration support: Accepts or rejects adult applications for council and district level positions



Someone with the functional position of membership support or the DE should be able to approve. In a unit it is the COR

Thank you all, I should have figured out that it had to be someone from council to accept since that mirrors the paper application process.

We have resolved the issue.

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