Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
As advancement chair for our troop (both B and G) I have been able to log into my.scouting with my credentials and perform Internet Advancement 2.0 tasks. Yesterday, I was not able to access the the girls troop IA section and today I am not able to access either boys or girls IA. I received some sort of error yesterday similar to expected INT received String. It was a brief error message.
If discourse is working correctly, you navigate to the desired forum category from here (Scouting Forums), click on the one you want (say Scoutbook Bugs - Scouting Forums), then select the New Topic button (or “+” symbol on mobile, I think).
Sometimes (for reasons I don’t understand at least), Discourse doesn’t serve the blank new post (or reply) window, and you have to click into a different thread to get it to show up. It’s a known issue that seems to be some sort of interaction between discourse and the BSA implementation of the forums, but nobody seems to have tracked it down yet despite it having been looked into.