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When I attempt to add a Leader to Scoutbook via the ‘Add Leader’ button the Pack Roster page, I repeatedly receive the below error message:
I have attempted to pull this individual up with every combination of details I can think of, to no avail. I have confirmed all information is accurate within the system (via Scoutbook Plus.)
Please help,
Moderator: Please do not post PII. All we need is a BSA Member ID.
Unit Admins don’t have access to the official roster at my.scouting. The permissions for Scoutbook are different from those at my.scouting.
Unit Key 3 (CM, CC, COR),
Key 3 Delegates (functional role assigned at my.scouting by any Key 3 or Key 3 Delegate),
COR Delegate (functional role assigned at my.scouting by COR), and
(I think?) Membership Inquiry (functional role assigned at my.scouting by any Key 3 or Key 3 Delegate)
have access to the roster, although if someone is not registered, they have to register as noted above.
ETA: Also, note that any registered leader should automatically show up in Scoutbook a day or so after their registration is finalized and they appear in the official roster at my.scouting. You should not need to add them to the roster the way we used to do before the BSA took over Scoutbook.
A pack Key 3 member (cubmaster, committee chair, charter org rep) will not see her on the roster because she is not a registered leader. She needs to be registered before she can have a leadership role in the pack.
@AndrewClark4 - with out a doubt not a bug. The system will not allow you to add a leader who is NOT registered. The adult application approved by the Charter Org Rep, Criminal Background Check and Youth Protection will allow council to process the application and the adult will show up on the roster for you to assign to their den or what ever position they need to be in.
Thanks for your help, guys. I’ll assume the issue is that this individual has “fallen through the cracks” in completing 1 or more of these requirements. I am the incoming Cubmaster. How do I get insight into what a prospective adult leader has / has not completed as part of the adult application process?
Depending on how much time before you officially take over, you could ask one of your pack’s Key 3 (Chartered Org. Rep., Committee Chair, or current Cubmaster) or a Key 3 Delegate to grant you the functional role of Key 3 Delegate. They would do this at my.Scouting:
Roster → Position Manager → Functional Roles
If you are taking over soon as Cubmaster, then I wouldn’t bother adding you as a Key 3 Delegate.
@AndrewClark4 - i would have a conversation with the Charter Org Rep about the adult application and perhaps the outgoing CubMaster and even the committee chair. I suspect the only reason you may see them in IA is that the adult is either a lion or tiger adult partner, which happens when the cub joins and is in no way an adult application. They would also need to pay the adult registration fees as well.
I agree with @Stephen_Hornak about making contact with your existing unit Key 3 to get better understanding of what they think has been done. That probably also needs a follow-up with the prospective scouter to see what they think has been done, particularly for online applications. That said, at a certain point someone might need to reach out to the council registrar if the answer is something along the lines of “We turned in the application to council…” or if the scouter thinks they applied online but the COR never saw anything come in.
I accidentally deleted unit leader from Scoutbook and needs to be re-added. He is a registered adult and just needs to be put back into scoutbook as a Den leader, Please. BSA ID 6643644