Unable to add Den Leader on Scoutbook

I have a den leader who was recently registered. She’s showing up on the roster in my.Scouting, but isn’t showing on Scoutbook, and I can’t add her as a leader for her Den.

BSA ID: 13908956

@etruongcao - when did this leader show up on the MYST roster ? Is the person listed as a den leader there ?

Don’t know when she started showing up, I only saw it after checking the roster this morning. Would guess within the past few days but quite possible it was only this morning.

Also, looks like I put this thread in the wrong channel, any way to move it over to Scoutbook Bugs?

@etruongcao - I can not but I am sure the mods can… but at any rate is this person listed as a den leader in my.scouting.org


Seems this was just made today - wait till tomorrow to see leader

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Please contact your Council regarding this leader. The registration says it started 4/1/24 and expires 3/31/25 but is not marked as Current so the system will not push it to Scoutbook.

Thanks, will do. What does this mean that she’s not “Current”?

IsCurrent is a field in the membership database. It is showing me No and needs to be Yes for her membership to push to Scoutbook. It may resolve itself overnight.

Ok, I’ll give it a day or 2 before reaching out to the Council. Who would be the best person to ask, DE, Unit Commissioner, District Commissioner, Registrar?

Registrar @etruongcao

@etruongcao - it could also be pending CBC or other jurisdictional requirements. In PA there are a number of clearances to pass thru.

Weirdly, the roster on my.Scouting shows her as Current:

That could be based on dates, not the IsCurrent field in the DB. We don’t know how my.scouting works.

Interesting, we have similar requirements (mandated reporter training, fingerprinting, etc) here in CA, but they aren’t a barrier to being fully registered and added to the Roster. The Council/District just hounds us after the fact to get it done to be in compliance


Being in CA myself, I understand that varies from council to council. At least some councils are requiring proof of completion of the AB506 requirements in advance of completing BSA registration.

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