Unable to close simple assessment in CT

After entering a simple assessment and saving it I am unable to leave that unit’s page because of pop up that says assessment has not been saved

How can this issue be resolved?

I just entered a simple assessment and saved without this occurring. One thing to keep in mind is that clicking Save does not mean it saves instantly. In fact saving the contact takes me back out to the contact list when the save is complete. So I’m guessing you are clicking save, not giving it time to save, then trying to navigate away. Let the save complete. A slow connection might exacerbate that experience.

None of these suggestions deal with the issue –– the pop up. Once it appears I cannot exit the page. I understand this is not an issue that affects all persons entering assessments. The only way I can get out of the page is to exit CT and log back in. When I do, and check the assessment for the unit it has been saved. How do I get rid of this pop up? We are not supposed to wait an inordinate amout of time for a simple assessment to save and populate.