Unable to connect Scout with MB Counselor

I am also having this issue. Search is broken for both finding MB counselors and searching for existing leaders that I know are in ScoutBook.
Hopefully support fixes this soon, as the broken search function blocks a lot of functionality in ScoutBook.

This is a known issue. The developers are working on it. The current workaround is to have the MBC connect to the Scout via the MBC’s connection page. They need the Scout’s BSA Member ID and last name to do this.

Thank you, I can try that workaround for MB counselors, but it still leaves me with no way to add an existing leader to a unit.

It appears the bug has been fixed! The search function for MB Counselor just worked for me.

Has anyone had issues connecting with a Scout who is registered beyond the age of eligibility? Tried to connect on my end (MBC)- said Scout was not found although I have their ID, last name and DOB. Tried on their end and I don’t show up.

If you post the scout’s BSA Member ID and yours (no names please!), the SUAC folks might be able to look to see if there are any “behind the scenes” issues that might be impacting the connection attempt.

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