Unable to connect Scout with MB Counselor

Can you explain how a MBC can add a Scout this way? I’m looking in my MBC options and not seeing a place to add a Scout. I can only see the Scouts that are currently connected.

@MelissaVallet I do not know if this connection method is affected by the bug or not, but this is how a MBC can connect to a Scout for a specific merit badge:

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I’m having the same issue as well. Has this been reported to developers for fixing SOON?

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I am trying to add a parent connection to a sibling. Parent is in Scoutbook and MYST and is connected to one Scout. I go in to sibling to add connection and I get the same error message. Name, BSA ID and email address all match info for first scout, but I get the message “No record found that matches the search criteria”


If they are already in the same unit for the other scout, you might be able to use Connections Manager to add the connection to the “new” scout. Then, go to the scout’s connections and “upgrade” the connection to parent/guardian.

However, Connections Manager seems to be having some issues at the moment, do it might not work for this, either.

I’m having the same problem. I sent the merit badge counselor the scouts name, member Id # and which merit badge. They were able to connect with the scouts.

Having the same merit badge counselor issue every one has described above. Posting so I can see notifications when this issue is fixed.

Keep in mind that there are often many threads where the same issue is discussed, so not all of them necessarily get notification when a fix gets posted. The most reliable way to get notification about bug fixes is to subscribe to the change logs, as described in the post here: Change a profile picture - #26 by CharleyHamilton

I have had this happen as well and find as a MBC I was able to connect the scout on my end.

Just reporting another SM having the same issue - cannot make any connections to MB counselors, including active counselors in my own troop who I had been connecting a few weeks ago.
thanks for solving this issue

I am also having this issue. I have successfully connected this same MBC to another scout in January but now I cannot connect to this second scout. I have entered the MBCs full name, BSA #, email, city and state and it says the MBC is not found even though they show up on the list of MBCs. I have already gone to update my SM and Unit Admin positions.

After several hours of trying various combinations, I am also unable to connect to sent the merit badge counselor the scouts name, member Id # and which merit badge. They were able to connect with the scouts. I even tried my own user name, and it could not find me as an MBC.

This is a known bug. It has been reported to the developers.

Same problem here, can’t add a mb counselor to a scout

That worked! Good idea!

I still can’t connect him to his son, but now he’s connected to both daughters!

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In principle, with the son’s name, BSA ID and DOB, the dad should be able to connect himself to his son. The parent needs to log into his own Scoutbook account, navigate to

My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Connections

They should see this at the top:

When they click on the circled section, it should bring up this interface:

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Thanks @CharleyHamilton

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We are also facing a similar situation. Basically, the whole search functionality for connecting the MB counselor to the scout in scoutbook is broken. I (Committee Chair) and our scoutmaster tried different names who are MB counselor and none of them come up when we are trying to connect the scout to MB. However, all these MB counselors can be seen on the troop dashboard where it says " MB Counselor List". It says “No record found that satisfies the search criteria” and we running the search with “Include MBC Only”.

Any help or a fix would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The search being broken is a known issue that SUAC has reported to the developers. The BSA does not specify when a fix will be released. In the interim, one approach to making the connections is actually to have the MBC make the connection from their end, as described in @JenniferOlinger’s post above.

Thank you so much for directing me in the right direction. Appreciate it.

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