Unable to delete duplicate parent account

I don’t know if you can help me but yesterday @DonovanMcNeil you helped me with a parent with two profiles and this was a big help. I have been trying to add the same parent to a leadership position and the option is not available under his profile. He is our Fundraising Chair and I would like to acknowledge his tenure. His ID is 134855264 and he has been our Fundraising chair since August of 2020. any advice. He re did his YTP and his Committee member training today because I showed no record…do I have to wait for the system to sync before I can add the position to his profile?

@NathanDant that MID has no Adult Leader registrations - so they cannot be a leader in Scoutbook - they need to fill out an adult leader application

ok, I thought the previous Cub Master did that with him… thank you I will take care of it asap

Hi there - similar issues as discussed in this thread and wondering if someone could help me out as well with merging two Scoutbook accounts - 13488737 is good/active but 13075207 is an old account that looks like it was created when registered a scout. Thanks for any help you can offer.

@SteveBowen that is cleaned up

@DonovanMcNeil Our troop is having a similar problem. A leader has two user ID’s but only one acct has a BSA ID. We would like to merge the two accounts or keep one.

User ID 9811308
User ID 11773013 BSA ID 13771612

We also have a parent in our pack who received the following BSA ID as a scout: 4602779 and needs to be merged with the current parent account if possible: 136861736

Thank you for your help.

@DevinaG I have merged the first leader’s Scoutbook accounts.

For your second issue, the adult’s date of birth does not match between the 2 BSA member numbers. I will send you a private message.

Thanks for your quick help!

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I have an issue that my Council hasn’t been able to solve. It is a registrar error, but they were unable to keep that position filled and nobody at the time knew how to fix it. Then they said the info doesn’t exist, despite my giving them screenshots.

I have an existing parent who is now a Den Leader, [name removed by Moderator for privacy]. Council added him as new when processing his adult application, but without email. I can’t add the email because it already exists.
Profile that should be used:
BSA ID: 13599698 (Parent of 136656114)

The INCORRECT profile as a DL:
BSA ID: 136757825

As such, he has been able to log in as a DL. Fortunately, we have 2 for that Den so we’ve made it work. I appreciate the help fixing this, so he can log in as DL with BSA ID: 13599698.

Mark Rosenkrantz
CM P155, Baden-Powell Council


I’ll look into this.

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This is fixed.

What happened is when the Council deleted BSA Member ID 13599698 they did not merge the Scoutbook accounts or update the my.scouting.org ID with MID 136757825.

The adult should log in to Scoutbook with his my.scouting.org ID which is his e-mail address.

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Hi there,

I have a parent with two accounts.
Her original account number is 13971727. This is the account that we want since it shows her training record.

The duplicate account number is 14109021. This is the one that we would like to eliminate.

Thank you in advance for your help!

@DonovanMcNeil Can you help me with a similar situation? For the child with SB ID 12067218, I was adding his father John. Scoutbook found his Dad’s name already in the system, so I connected John to the Scout. Turns out, it’s another father with the same first and last name, but it’s not his farther. Please remove the John from TX from the Scout’s account. Please keep the John from WI connected to the scout. Thanks.

@MarkZiety councils can remove wrong parents with the VST tool


was excited to get started and accidentally created multiple Scoutbook accounts. I’m working to clean up our my connections and ensure myfamily is properly connected to our two scouts.

The parent’s information is:

(removed by Moderator)
Correct SB User ID: 14802343

Can you please remove the two duplicate accounts with SB User IDs:



Additionally it seems my birthdate is incorrect. Should be (date removed by Moderator).

Thank you

FYI @JamesDunnigan, this is a world-readable forum, so you probably don’t want to provide PII outside if a private chat. The SUAC folks can initiate one if they need that sort of info.

@JamesDunnigan I have merged your Scoutbook accounts.

You will need to contact your local council and ask them to correct your date of birth.

The numbers you provided are BSA member numbers, which are different from Scoutbook userID numbers.

I would recommend asking your local council to put all of your registrations (Den Leader and Adult Partner) plus your parent / child user relationships under a single BSA member number.

@JamesDunnigan You also have multiple usernames at my.scouting.

Do you want to keep the one that is not an e-mail address? We can request that the others be retired.

Yes, I’d like to keep the one that is not an email address. Thanks

May I also have some assistance in deleting a duplicate parent account? My duplicate member ID number (the one that needs to be deleted or merged) is 12071842. My good, current ID number is 14671462. Thank you!
-John Cooper