I’m unable to log service hours for several weeks now.
The system says the process has failed.
If I cancel out and come back in, the process repeats and suggests I go “offline”.
Any suggestions? I’m the Scoutmaster and completed this process many times before.
@DavidSnider to start with, I suggest you clear your browsers cache. To avoid needing to do this in the future, I suggest you using a private browsing window (Incognito window in Chrome, InPrivate window in Edge, Private Browsing in Safari, Private Window in Firefox) for all your access to Internet Advancement, My.Scouting, or Scoutbook.
Thank you, sir. I tried that and again just now.
The message I receive is:
Error: An error occurred while processing this request.
@DavidSnider What is your bsa member number?
I have reported this to the developers