I am the Advancement Chair for Pack 546. It is listed as such under the menu so I am recognized in the system as the Advancement Chair. I can not record any advancement. The only options I have are to record progress of service hours, hikes and campouts. What do I need to do to in order to be able to record advancement and rank?
Thank you
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It sounds like you might be listed as the Advancement Chair in Scoutbook, but not at my.scouting.org (my.Scouting Tools).
If this is the case, you can record advancements at Scoutbook. However, in order to record advancements in IA 2.0, you need one of your pack’s Key 3 (Cubmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.) or a Key 3 Delegate to add you as the pack’s Unit Advancement Chair or a Key 3 Delegate using the Member Manager at my.scouting.org. (Please note that these functional roles expire at the end of each year and need to be redesignated after the unit’s recharter is processed by your council.)
So looking at the screen, I am designated in Internet Advancement as the Unit Advancement Chair. But in my.scouting.org , I am not listed as anything. maybe that is were it is getting messed up. ? my number on my.scouting.org is 13446950.
One of your unit Key 3 (cubmaster, committee chair, chartered organization rep) will need to look at the Organizational Security Manager at my.scouting.org to assign you as Unit Advancement Chair or one of the Key 3 Delegates to get approval access in IA2 (scoutbook.scouting.org).
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This is so frustrating. I have been entering merit badges and advancement records for years. These changes occur without ANY notice to users! I don’t believe OUR TIME is valued by Scouting. Last year’s complete overhaul to the way we enter records was bad enough. This just puts me over the top! Is it any wonder why we can’t recruit folks for the long term?
The change you’re frustrated with has nothing to do with entering merit badges or updating advancement records. It looks like, from the OP’s description, that none of his unit’s Key3 members remembered to update the user roles at my.scouting.org at recharter – that’s an easy task to miss, but fortunately also an easy thing to fix. There was no notice about that because it’s how the system has worked for years…
With that said, I’ve found the key to retaining adults for the long term is putting together a program that keeps the kids coming back every week. If you don’t get the kids engaged, there’s no way the adults are going to be engaged.
I fail to understand why Scoutbook and myScouting cannot be better linked. To the other Gentleman’s point all of this was flowed with mik coordination or communication, and it os deeply frustrating to those of us have done this seamlessly for years to be so thwarted. And having two different systems is not helpful; I invariably login to the incorrect one, and then have to switch. At one point I had three different apps on my cell, and none were useful; its the website. Why???
I have to agree that recording merit badges - something I did regularly before covid 19 and now need to do again but can’t because it is not an option! - is overly complex and frustrating. The key to retaining parent participation is to have a web site that is easily traversed, and something like a notice to somebody when the advancement chair is mysteriously removed from being able to record advancement!
I am having issues as well. I am Chartered Organization Rep (COR) of my pack which IS a Key 3 member. So why can I not enter any advancements in Internet Advancement 2.0 like I always have. First time entering info since Feb 2020, prior to Covid. Never had an issue prior. I have called council and submitted an email inquiry to scoutbook. No reply.
Do I recall seeing a deadline extension to submit advancements to 7.30.2020??? An article in a BSA email. This is in 2 days. Need this resolved ASAP.
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Log in to my.scouting.org, and make sure you are still listed as the Charter Org Rep for the pack. If you are, send an e-mail to scoutbook.support@scouting.org describing the problem with your name, BSA Member ID, council and unit number. Post the SSD number you will receive in one of the automated replies here.
If you are not listed as Charter Org Rep, you will need to contact your council registrar to find out why and fix any registration issues.
The 7/30/2020 deadline is to complete Cub Scout advancement, not a reporting date.
Thank you for responding! Yes, I am currently listed as COR. .I have sent an email and also called National Help Desk. Awaiting to hear how to proceed from here.
When you say the deadline was to complete the advancements, you mean the actual scout completing the work? As opposed to me submitting the info online for advancement reports? That would be very helpful at this point 
Yes. And Pack Committees also still have the option to extend the deadline for individual Cub Scouts on a case by case basis:
BSA Guide to Advancement “Do Your Best”
In the same spirit as “Do Your Best,” if a Cub Scout is close to earning a badge of rank when it is time to transition to a new den, the pack committee, in consultation with the den leader and the Cub Scout’s parent or guardian, may allow a few weeks to complete the badge before going on to the next rank. Earning it will give the youth added incentive to continue in Scouting and carry on and tackle the next rank.