Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
I tried this in a different category: Issues with multiple registration but didn’t get any responses. The expiration warning is gone, but I’m still not able to RSVP for myself, only my son.
I have my parent role selected in the drop down, but no RSVP options for myself. I was able to RSVP for myself prior to my scoutbook accounts being merged, so I’m not sure if something went wrong there?
SB ID is 13881173
Council 1 BSA ID 13513931
Council 2 BSA ID 141059306
Thanks for the suggestion - things in scoutbook.scouting.org seem fine, and we checked the SB ID and BSA ID. It’s the related sites (scoutbook+ and my.scouting) that are not behaving for me. In fact things have gotten slightly weirder - we updated my position in the new council from committee member to assistant scoutmaster, and that is reflected in scoutbook but not in my.scouting or advancements.scouting 24 hours later.
Updated it where? With the council (i.e. turned in adult registration paperwork) or just changed the role at Scoutbook? Scoutbook doesn’t push out to the other systems since there’s no COR controls on those roles. If your COR changed your registered position in the Position Manager at my.scouting (or if you submitted updated paperwork to the council), then it should have flowed from there out to SB & SB+.
Yes registered positions must be changed by the COR using position manager on the roster page of my.scouting.org or by you completing a new adult application.