I am unable to upload a CSV advancement file from TroopMaster.
anyone else encounter this issue?
CSV are no longer supported. You need to update your version of Troopmaster, so you can export a TXT from (I think) the COH report
I don’t see an option for a TXT format
should I rename the CSV to TXT
Won’t work. It sounds like you are on an older version of Troopmaster.
Current troop master version I am on is 2016 version 4.12f
is there a more recent one that I should be on?
The current versions of Troopmaster appear to be Troopmaster Web 2.0 and Troopmaster 2018.
OK. thank you for your responses
Moving to troopmaster Web 2.0 opens up a whole lot of options including the included desktop version 2018 & mobile app. I’ve played with the new web version when it first came and held off migrating for about a year. This last renewal I looked at both scoutbooks and again at the Web 2.0. I had problems with scoutbooks (bugs and lack of features). In hind sight, and after several months of reading this forum with it’s countless scoutbook problems -no regrets- it’s been great. It works like it’s suppose to and it’s allowed us to opened up the data easily to parents. Well worth the investment and allows you to focus on the needs of the troop rather than spending your time trying to figure out how try to do something in scoutbooks.