Yes, this is more of a vs. fix, but I don’t know where else to put this.
So, each year a member of the key 3 has to “re-up” the advancement chair’s access. If not, they don’t have full access, right? The current procedure is that after re-charter, they have to go to the “organizational security manager” and re-add the person.
Why not add this to the re-charter? There is already a place where you can designate position. Unit Advancement coordinator isn’t one of them. If this was added, and for re-charter purposes they just counted as a committee member position, but afterwards this would flow to the proper place for advancement access, it would fix the annual “why don’t I have access, why yes, I am the coordinator, yes, Scoutbook says I am, no I didn’t know you had to have a key set it in my.scouting” dance.
From the re-charter site.