Unit has not used Scoutbook and local council is unable to assist

What’s your role in the unit? It kinda sounds like you might be a den leader. If so, get one of the Scoutbook Unit Admins (or Unit Key 3 or Key 3 Delegates) to reset your Den Leader and Den Admin roles in Scoutbook by going to:

My Dashboard → Administration → My Units → Unit # → Unit Roster → your name

Then select your Den Leader role, make sure to click approve, and save. Repeat for your Den Admin role(or create it if it’s missing).

That won’t connect you to scouts outside of your den, but how best to do that depends a bit on your role in the unit.

A Unit Admin or Key 3 member/delegate should be able to go in and put end dates on the “old” leader roles to drop them from Scoutbook. The admin/Key 3 should also be able to run Clean Old Connections to strip out prior adult connections from the youth.

ETA: This is an old post of mine that has some pointers to Scoutbook help wiki entries that might be good for getting started: