Unit Leader Renewal Payment Stuck in Limbo

I submitted a payment for Unit Leader Membership renewals and for the last 2 days, it has been stuck in limbo saying “Your payment is processing. Please check back later.”

The Payment was made using the Stripe ACH option rather than manual input. If this interface doesn’t work, that’s fine, but I need to renew these leaders who are now listed as expired and I’m not sure how to revert this. So far no charge appears on the bank side.
(picture removed by Moderator)

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@DaveMorris - talk to your council.

It’s possible ACH takes a few business days to complete (ACH is not an instant payment system). I’m in the same boat as you; waiting on a payment submitted a couple days ago. I’d give it a few more days before assuming it has failed. There is a grace period after a membership expires before someone is removed from the roster. As long as their YPT is current, they should still be able to be involved. But check with your DE to make sure.