Unit Renewals, Adult Positon Changes, and Adult Drops/Adds

Let me preface with I’ve read everything at Unit and Membership Renewal in particular

Unit Renewal Guide for Key 3 Oct. 2024

Now, in the past come recharter season any of the Key-3 or a Key-3 delegate could drop adults, add them, or even change positions and it would be effective with the new charter/signature of the COR and IH.

However, I am unable to find a similar feature. The closest thing was/is in Organization Manager → Unit Renewal there is the “Edit Positions” button. However, that appears to only allow COR or COR delegates to move adults from place to place and does NOT allow for the outright removal of an adult (or adding an adult for that matter). For example, I have a USR who moved to a different troop back in January 2024. We do NOT want him renewed on our charter, but we cannot remove him at all.

Is the lack of flexibility

  1. an oversight on my part and there IS a way to make adult-position-changes-at-recharter
  2. a feature or
  3. a bug.



I experienced the same issue. It seems like it is a bug or oversight. I also have a couple of adults in the same spot. As the COR, I won’t “sign” at the bottom adults we want dropped. We are having our registrar enter a ticket for this feature to be added ASAP. I watched the video and read through the guide. It seems like they are only covering cases of errors or position changes, not drops.

If anyone says “but their registration could still be good”, I say 2 things 1) I’m not signing off on them continuing and 2) there is a district level report for people to know who is without a unit, so somewhere someone knew this needed to be handled.

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As a test I was asked to check “opt out” in the normal roster screen. We will see if that makes a difference. I would guess no. I also want a real interface for this and not our registrar having to remove them.

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But even if “their registrations could still be good”, they are not good in my unit. This person left (for the record, on good terms, just scheduling) but somehow we are supposed to have him on our charter forever and ever and we can never, ever remove him at the unit level, ever?

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Agreed 100%. The system has some parts that are designed to be a “resting place” for these unitless people.

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That is the whole reason for “opt-out” as was explained to me and through reading of membership renewal materials (recharter no longer exists). If you don’t want an adult leader continuing with the unit, they are “opted out” for renewal of that position. There is no immediate removal. They “roll off” at the expiration of their grace period. It is a change in doing business compared to the old recharter method. It becomes more of a rolling change.

As for changing positions, this has been relegated to position manager in My.Scouting and the users with the appropriate rights to approve positions. This can happen at any time during the year and no longer is reserved for recharter only.

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Resting places in the system for “unitless” people was designed for the scenario that a Scout or Scouter paid for a year of Scouting, but their unit did not renew. This allowed them to be transferred to a new unit to receive their full benefit.

I thought was for the individual, not the unit. I opt’ed out of 2 people today, I’ll see tomorrow if they fall off. I bet they won’t.

Here is a snip of the part that as a COR that stops me from ok’ing someone who will no longer be in the unit.

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You are right they do say this in the training material “You can Opt-Out a member from renewing if you know they have left the unit. Select the individual by clicking the box to the left of their name and click on the symbol under Opt Out.”

They will not roll off until after the 90 day expiration of their grace period which ONLy occurs after the date of their actual expiration of paid membership. So don’t expect an adult to “roll off” until end of March if their membership expires 12/31/24.

Ugh. Yes, in the FAQ I see this too…


Good memory…

Does that opt them out of your unit or of renewing with any unit?

Just so I understand this; the COR is going to sign a document indicating this person is on their charter and they take legal responsibility for that person, even if that person has not been a member of the unit (and may have been REMOVED by the unit) because BSA IT cannot offer up a remove function before March 31, 2025?


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Yeah, I don’t like that.

I can verify this: I had an adult who’s daughter aged out. She doesn’t wish to remain on the committee and hasn’t ben active for 6 months. Great person. Her YPT is expired. I had an error on the renewal. I “opt’ed” her out. The error is gone, she is still shown on renewal with no indication that she will leave. I don’t like it. So, our renewal will process, but like @WilliamsburgScouter says, not good.

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Please report these issues to your Council and ask them to open Member Care tickets to get them fixed. This is the only feedback path to the team that updates the registration system.


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